Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring babies

Spring has sprung , warm (90’s!) earlier this week & then now its in the 50’s with wind & ran! But even with the uneven weather, we’ve made some great discoveries this week….

We never mow under there in the spring since each year we’ve hosted many bunny families. This has been so exciting! They now all have names. Can you believe there are 5 in that little hole?

And now we have one more egg then we did before! Can't wait to see the babies!


  1. Wonderful work...
    Have a great Sunday!
    Glad to be following you now...

  2. Oh my goodness, those baby bunnies are just adorable!!

  3. Trisha -- the baby bunny photos are so cute! I wuv them!! ;)

    Thanks for joining us on YSB -- I truly appreciate it!

  4. oooohhhh baby bunnies, they are so cute peaking out, it looks like you got pretty close to them. we always have babies but they nest under the deck so i just see them "pop out" eventually.

    love the nest of eggs....soon you will have more babies, i am super jealous.

    thanks for following along on my bummpy ride of late. i've enjoyed sharing my story and reading your thoughts!!!

  5. Those bunnies are SO CUTE!! And the eggs in the nest? Beautiful!

  6. Awww, the bunnies are so cute. Now a silly question, are those eggs for real? I've never seen blue eggs like those.

    I think we may have some new baby birds in our birdhouse, we've been hearing noises coming from there but haven't seen any yet.

  7. Oh my goodness....those are the most sweetest things I have seen all week!:)

  8. Those bunnies are so adorable. With two big dogs, I never get to see things like that.


  9. Oh my! The bunnies are adorable!
    The eggs are such a vibrant beautiful color! Very nice shots!

  10. aww the baby bunny pictures are soo cute!

    excellent shots!!!
    thanks so much for sharing!

    visiting via Your Sunday Best

  11. Those bunnies must be so much fun for the girls.--Inger

  12. Awww what fun!!!!!

    The weather has been quite interesting hasn't it???

  13. Is there anything cuter than baby rabbits?

  14. The bunnies are a bunch of cuties. :) Good thing you were able to take wonderful pics. Wishing you a great week ahead.

  15. Paula- They are pretty aren't they?! They are real too. They're Robins eggs. Every year they build a nest in the same spot :) Babies should be hatching soon I hope!

  16. They are so cute. I have a rabbit living on our balcony, but how much better would it be to have a house with a yard and a whole family!

  17. I like your naming them, this could lead to one as a pet indoors. My kids always had them.

  18. Nice pictures. Our baby birds hatched yesterday. It is so fun to watch. We also are having the exact same weather here. It was warm a few days ago and today, cold and rainy. Definately spring.

  19. THESE are just a few of the reasons why I love the midwest. Wild bunnies and blue eggs. Sigh sigh sigh.
