Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Travel Tuesday.....Camping in Chicago!

What? Did that just say CAMPING in CHICAGO? Yep! I know its not the first thing you think of when you hear "Chicago",  but it can be done :) Not traveling far this Tuesday, but having just as much fun :)

My sister and her husband live down town Chicago & have a beautiful roof deck with an amazing view. So why not pitch a tent & have some fun!! The girls love it when we go play with Aunt Kellie & Uncle Eric!!
So one day last summer we packed our bags, grabbed the tent & hopped on the train. (That was a sight to see!) 

Put the tent up.....

Then hit the beach.....

Being crazy!
Aunt Kellie & Addy testing the water...while Noelle gets ready to build a castle.

Then it was time to head back to Aunt Kellies for dinner, & smores on the grill :)
Then off to sleep....
Hard to see, but thats the glow of the Sears Tower (now the Willis Tower) behind us.

Can't wait to do it again this year!! :)


  1. We always camped in the back yard when visiting my grandparents when it was warm.

  2. Oh, how fun!! I love that you've got the skyline in view behind the tent in that first photo! I love Chicago and miss it (I used to live there).

    Camping on the deck is such a fun and creative way to spend time with your family!

  3. now THAT'S thinking outside the box. what fun!

  4. When we visited Chicago we camped at the Indiana Dunes state park (which was fabulous). THey had a commuter train nearby that went into Chicago, so we just rode that in.

  5. What a great idea! No need to worry about bears!

  6. family fun at it's finest. looks like a tradition in the making!!!

  7. What a blast...my hubby took my boys camping this last weekend and they loved it. I love how you were able to have so much fun without having to travel a long way or spend a ton of money :)

  8. looks like you had a great time!
    great idea, indeed.

    love your photos!
    and your kids are soo cute!

    thanks so much for your lovely comment~~

  9. I love that you gave them a camping adventure where most people wouldn't think to have one. Looks like a great time!

  10. We do this here in the living room and back deck when the campgrounds close for the season. So much fun and the kids get a kick out of making smores in January. :)
    Great pics!

  11. I like your style, Trisha! Looks like a blast! :)

  12. That sounds like fun and with a view to match it's even better :-)

  13. Ok.. that just APPEALS to me. I love it! Sears rules (I had to say it) :D

  14. ooooh how fun! now that is cool way of camping, lovely view too!
